Project Services

  • Design & Development
  • WordPress

Awards & Recognition

The brand elements drove the design

This website redesign included making the site responsive in addition to adding a number of case studies. We created a set of design elements based on their color palette and the angles in their logo. In order to improve page speed, we coded all of the graphic design details with CSS instead of using images. All pages employ subtle movement that adds to the smooth look and feel of the site.

Axium Consulting provides investigative services to companies, investment groups, and law firms providing them with a range of investigative and intelligence services and helping them to identify and manage risks and face internal challenges and external disputes.

A unique way to display case studies

Unlike a news page, it really didn’t matter the order we displayed the Case Studies, and none held special emphasis over the other. We created an interactive display that adjusts responsively for smaller screens as well.

Moving content as the user scrolls

This layered parallax effect helps make a minimal homepage more compelling and draws the user down the entire page.

The Results

Axium’s bold colors and sharp angles make the company feel like a strong leader in the investigation and intelligence space. The custom design elements help define Axium as a different kind of company.


Awards & Recognition

  • Best CSS – Website Award
  • The Communicator- Website Award
  • Davey Awards – Website Award
  • Summit Creative Awards – Website Award
  • Vega – Website Award
  • CSS Light – Website Award
  • W3 – Website Award

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