Project Services

  • Design & Development
  • Shopify
  • WordPress

To be a champion you must first win the game within the game.

TorchPro offers a deep insight into the lives and minds of professional athletes. The Vault is a collection of performance and training videos, sports news, and entertainment with free highlights and paid subscriptions.

A WooCommerce Subscription integration enables users to create accounts and purchase memberships and other products. The website takes care of the hard work so TorchPro can focus on creating content and engaging with their users.

An interactive content catalog

At the heart of the site is The Vault, a collection of videos and articles. Users can browse through featured content and filter by category or content type.

Highlights are offered for free, but paid subscriptions unlock exclusive content. When a customer is logged in, The Vault becomes their home page and signup CTAs disappear.

Pay for a subscription and buy merchandise online

Using WooCommerce Subscriptions and custom templates we created a unique, streamlined signup UI that converts quick and is painless for users. There will also be a merchandise store — coming soon!

The Results

Over 3000 new accounts were added in the first 3 months. Customers are offered incentives to sign up for more premium content.


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